Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, Uncle Aaron! Part 5

And all good things must come to an end... with Bree on the phone and Aidan playing on the Wii.
It was wonderful to see everyone, Campbell's and Tokarski's alike.
Happy Birthday, Aaron!

Happy Birthday, Uncle Aaron! Part 4

Not wanting to be left out and tired of being the baby of the family, Bree tried out the slide. It didn't go quite as she had anticipated.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Aaron! Part 3

As always, Julie treated all to an excellent meal and then spent the rest of the time as she usually does at family gatherings; taking pictures and keeping Sadie under control.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Aaron! Part 2

Despite the threat of rainy weather (which was never realized), all the attendees scarfed down dinner and headed out to the backyard. Nick quickly located the jungle gym and also found a water gun. Yeah.

Happy Birthday, Uncle Aaron! Part 1

Hello all!

I'm new to all this and am having trouble getting the pictures and text to appear as I want, so this will be "Uncle Aaron's Birthday: A Five-Part Series." :)

Despite knowing the ...chaos... that comes with us, Aaron and Julie graciously invited us for dinner (with cake and ice cream!!) to celebrate Aaron's latest birthday. Here we see Jason and Aaron sharing some quality time on the swings. Doesn't Jason look thrilled to be in front of the camera for a change?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My turn...

As many of you know, beginning with the birth of Mayhem (Nick) Jason has attempted to faithfully record the moments of his life in our family blog at And Jason did an excellent job at it. Once we added Chaos (Bree) to our family however, it became more and more difficult for St. Jason to find the time to do anything more than change diapers. Since I lead a life of leisure with an infinite amount of time to change diapers, I'm going to be taking over the task for the time being.

That being said...

The kids are healthy. So are their parents. Nick's sleeping in a big boy bed, which means a mattress thrown on the floor. Hey, we put clean sheets on it! Bree has apparently decided that she is either a dinosaur or a bear. The child walks around growling at everything. We're so proud. Last week we tricked our dear friend Janette "Ma'am" Johnson into accompanying us to the Philadelphia Zoo. Surprisingly, the kids were not grabbed by zoo staff and interred in the primate house.
More soon...