Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Bree!

My baby is two. It's absolutely killing me. I LOVE saying her age in months. Now it just sounds silly. Plus, the terrible two's are beginning. Unfortunately Bree was not adopted and there's only so much you can do about genetics, so she appears to be taking her behavioral cues from her Mommy. Stop here and say a quick prayer for Jason and Nick, if you don't mind.

Anyway, we threw the obligatory Chaos-filled family and friends two-year-old birthday party. Many attended and I think fun was had by all. The pictures from the actual party are pretty bad. Not sure what happened. Jason and I normally do a lot better. Personally I think our photography was fine, it was the subjects that were the problems. That's it. I'll blame the guests for the terrible pictures. You out there know who you are and I expect a full range of thoughtful apologies. Chocolate and flowers always seems to work with me. I recommend electronics for Jason. I can prove that Jason and I ALWAYS take wonderful pictures. Here's what I'm sure is an award-worthy shot of our lovely children the morning after the party.

Aren't they just darling?


Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Nick's sick. Bree's coming down with whatever Nick has.

Therefore they have not done anything cute or brilliant or even mildly entertaining unless you count seeing who can blow the biggest bubbles with their nose cute, brilliant or mildly entertaining.

How I wish I was making that up...

Unfortunately, the pictures do accurately depict how I care for them when they're sick. Now you all understand why Jason works from home as often as he does...

I have to go now. Nick is attempting to use Daisy as a tissue. Seriously.

