Thursday, December 10, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

are potty-trained children. Or a nanny.

In my defense, I have bronchitis and am completely exhausted. Plus Nick had pre-school this morning, so we had to get up and get moving, instead of getting some extra rest.

On the bright side, no one will ever again question my petnames of "Chaos" and "Mayhem" any longer.

And yes, I did indeed first go grab the camera to take pictures and then took the powder away from Mayhem.



Monday, December 7, 2009

November 09 wrap up

It's been an incredibly busy couple of weeks. For Mom and Dad. Chaos and Mayhem have been their usual helpful selves, doing what they do best to assist us...

Recently we celebrated Thanksgiving at Jason's parents home with Mommom Schenk and Uncle Mike. Uncle Mike kept the kids entertained, while Jason helped out Lane with dinner. Since there was nothing I could do to help anyone, I kept Stephen company and watched football. All day. Which made for an exceptionally happy Debbie.

Our dear friends from Mississippi (Joe, Maggie and Chloe) came North for a visit. Maggie and I dumped the kids on the boys and escaped to the Mall for a couple of hours... again, more happiness for the Deb.

Joe, Maggie and Chloe stayed with Joe's sister, Becky, another dear friend. Becky and her husband, Kamar, are Bree's godparents and the parents of Layla and Sophia. During the Mississippi invasion, we celebrated Sophia's first birthday. Bree especially enjoyed the Becky-homemade-cupcakes. Anyone who knows Becky will understand why the fact that she made cupcakes gets a special mention.