Monday, March 22, 2010

Playhouse Tokarski

After three years of relentless nagging from me, Jason finally gave in and we purchased a playhouse for Chaos and Mayhem. Here's Jason putting it together:

And this is how the kids spent the afternoon once the house was assembled:



Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Worn out with Winter

Between the snow and the cold, cold temps, Chaos and Mayhem are completely over this season. Until this past few days of 50 degree+ weather, I couldn't get them out of the house. To the right is the reaction when I suggested going outside and playing in the snow. If I recall correctly, I think Nick actually stuck his tongue out and blew me a raspberry when I suggested venturing outdoors. In their defense, the snow actually was over Bree's head for a good portion of February.

In my attempts to find new (and inexpensive) ways to occupy them indoors, we purchased some dreadful little creatures called "Zhu Zhu" pets. Basically, they're mechanical hampsters. I don't care how ridiculous these things are, I don't have to feed them or clean up after them. Bree's :"Zhu Zhu" is pink (of course) and white named Jilly. Nick's "Zhu Zhu"goes by Skoodles and is brown and white. According to Nick, both Jilly and Skoodles are lonely and need more friends. Personally, I think the damn things can keep each other company, but what do I know? I did break down and help build houses for them. I tried to explain that they were battery-operated and really didn't need a built-to-size house each, but I got out-voted. Again. That's becoming a theme these days...