Thursday, April 22, 2010

Potty training. Still.

As many of you know, potty training at the Tokarski home isn't progressing well. To be honest, it's not progressing at all. I mean, Jason and I pretty much have it figured out, but Chaos and Mayhem are simply not interested. They both generally politely but firmly refuse to use the toilet and prefer diapers. And fighting over who gets to wear the potty seat as a hat. As Mayhem is approaching his fourth birthday, I'm beyond tired of diapers. I hate diapers. Hate! Hate! Hate! Them. My dear friend (and boss) Donna has recommended waiting for warmer weather, stripping them both naked and letting them loose in the backyard, arming myself with a bowl of treats, a potty and let them figure it out themselves. I'm not ruling that idea out. We've tried everything else. In the meantime, Jason and I took some pictures of the potty training attempts and would appreciate any suggestions as to what we're doing wrong.
