Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In sickness and in...

The kids have been sick since, well, at this point I have a distant memory of a time when locating the Tylenol wasn't the most pressing task at hand.  Distant.  Very. 

I don't even remember which child started the latest round of coughing and sniffling and cries of "I'm cold.  Get me a blanket."  No "please", just "get me the damn blanket."  Normally my kids are well-mannered.  Despite their affinity for destruction "please" and "thank you" have always come easily to them.  It appears that their degree of civility is inversely proportional to their temperature.  I'm not even going to share what Bree called me while requesting a cup of orange juice a few moments ago.  I think she may have a future in composing gangster rap lyrics. 

They even look sick.  Both are pale, with dark circles under their eyes.  Bree has a perpetually chapped upper lip from having her nose wiped every six minutes.  Nick's had a headache that starts up the moment the Tylenol wears off which has made the already daunting job of trying to tame his hair with a comb fairly impossible.  Thursday was the last time I gave it a try.  Normally I (as all mother's do, I'm sure) think that my children are breathtakingly beautiful.  Not right now.  They ugly.  UGGGGLLLLYYYY.

However, my beloved mother-in-law happened to send me a couple of pictures of Chaos and Mayhem from early December, which coincidentally, was they last time I think they were healthy.  I'm considering having the pictures printed out and taping them to the kids foreheads. 
