Wednesday, July 22, 2009

We're home!

Vacation this year was a trip to Jason's parent's condo in Ocean City, MD, instead of our usual trek to Virginia Beach. SOMEONE wasn't willing to spend 5+ hours one way in a car with their children and SOMEONE wasn't willing to share a one-bedroom hotel room with a three-year-old and a twenty-month-old. Pssst... SOMEONE = me. I'm no fun with no sense of adventure. I admit it.

Anyway, first Nick helped with the packing. Before you called Child Protective Services, you should know that he thinks it's "fun" to crawl into an empty clothes hamper. Who am I to deny his fun? He's got airholes. He's fine.
Once we arrived in Ocean City, the kids quickly helped us by sitting on Nana. Now that I think about it, that's how they spent a lot of the week there. Which freed Jason, PopPop and I to do what we wanted. Bonus! I love Grandparents.

Most days involved breakfast and then heading to the beach until the kids had packed sand (to the point of being unable to walk) into every crevice they had and were ready for a nap. Stop it. They were perfectly safe. Bree only rolled off the balcony once. And she landed on the Jeep, so it's not like she fell that far.

Both kids loved taking baths in the huge garden tub. Jason wouldn't let me publish any of those pics, so here's Bree in her favorite towel. Okay, my favorite towel. The bunny ears always give me a giggle.
The week quickly passed in a blur of beach, boardwalk, good food, great company and the seemingly endless search for new sandles for Jason. Eventually we sadly packed up to return. Nick was as helpful unpacking as he had been packing.


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Water, water everywhere.

We got the kids what I consider to be one of the old-fashioned oscillating sprinklers. Nick has become a big fan of playing in and with it very quickly. Bree's not so thrilled. She seems to get annoyed with the sprinkler because she keeps getting squirt in the face by it. Which could be why Nick is so enamored of the sprinkler. We also got them both water guns. Not one of my more brilliant ideas of late. Jason and I are currently trying to persuade Nick to shoot the other parent with the water gun. The last promises made to Nick were that I would let him eat ice cream for dinner indefinitely if he shot Jason and Jason is willing to buy him a car if Nick would shoot me

Thursday, July 2, 2009

It's Thursday.

Nothing new or earthshattering to report, just wanted to share a funny picture of Bree. My thought is that her teen years are going to be "lovely" so I might as well torture her now because she'll be returning the favor in about ten years anyway.