Saturday, September 19, 2009

Picasso, Jr.

As noted in my previous post, Mayhem is clearly an artist in the making. What you may not realize is that Chaos, too, produces stunning artwork. I've attempted to document their creative process, as I'm confident that either the National Gallery in London (my personal fav!) or the Louvre would appreciate the ability to include this in The Tokarski Kids Exhibit (just the working title.)

Here the kids are creating a mural to share with our neighborhood. Note Nick's exuberant two-handed chalk drawling method! Don't worry, it's the side of our own home that they are decorating. To be honest, I'm still confused by Jason's reaction to their artwork. He sighed, there was some eye-rolling and no expressions of delight. Philistine.

Here the kids are attempting to incorporate other elements, like a handtruck, into the mural. Mr. No-fun-guy (AKA Daddy) did not appreciate their creativity and the sighing turned into grumbling.

At some point, the whining, sighing, grumbling, etc., etc., etc., began to interupt the kid's creative process, so we moved their art project indoors. Mr. Killjoy wouldn't allow the kids to run rampant around the house with crayons, markers, stickers and tape so I was forced to stifle their creativity and strap them into their seats. Mr. Stick-in-the-Mud then had me tape the paper to the table so none of their artwork became permanent features.

Nevertheless, the kids persevered with their artwork, despite the dictatorial "stop drawing on each other!" and "Bree! Stop eating the markers!" nature of their father and had a good time.



1 comment:

  1. Who peed in his Cheerios! I am surprised Mr. Dark Cloud didn't have something to say about Bree's white t-shirt. ;)
