Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Nick vs. Mommy

Nick has been... "fun"... lately. His favorite activities generally involve screaming at me, smacking me or throwing things at me. These activities can be performed solo or combined for a really entertaining afternoon. He's three-and-a-half. And male. So, in Nick terms: Daddy rocks. And Mommy is the evil ruiner of all things fun.

Case in point: Everytime he tells me he's going to be something scary, like a race car driver or a football player, I suggest that being an accountant sounds just as exciting and fulfilling, but leaves out the possibility of crashing into a wall at 160 mph+ or having a 300 lb. creature named "Tank" pile drive him into the turf.
I love Nick with all of my heart and every ounce of my being. However, based on the current anti-Mommy sentiments, I'm boycotting all pictures of the little cherub. Enjoy the shot of Bree featuring her Disney Princess obsession.

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