Monday, July 19, 2010

Yikes! It's the middle of July already!

It's possible that I'll have to refrain from making fun of how much time there was between Jason's posts on the old blog ( as I haven't done a new post since May. It's possible that I should refrain, but let's be honest, it's me, I'm not going to refrain from making fun of Jason about that or anything else.

My only excuse is that between heading to the beach every chance available and work, there hasn't been a lot of time to sit in front of the computer to write a blog entry. Well, if I wanted to stop doing silly things like feeding the kids and getting them dressed, then yes, I'd have time to write blog entries. If someone had told me five years ago that getting two small children dressed on a daily basis would be one of the most challenging, time-consuming tasks I'd ever face I would have laughed and then quietly mocked them to someone else. Honestly, I'll wrestle the clothing onto one child (yes, wrestle) and then turn to tackle and clothe the next child. By the time the second one has clothing on, the first child is now stark-naked and I get to redress that child. Typically the stark-naked child is Bree. We're averaging about three nights a week with dinner preparation interupted by Bree streaking through the kitchen naked giggling like a maniac. Anyway, here's a rare shot of her with clothing on. She's also wearing some foam sticky things. The girl does love to accessorize.

And in other news...


We're still having "accidents" but they're get fewer and farther in between. Now that I've written this, he will have nothing but accideents for the next three weeks. Sigh.

Hope your summer is going well!



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