Saturday, August 29, 2009


At almost three-and-a-half years of age, Nick's vocabulary is growing by the day. Jason and I wanted to share some of the gems that Nick has produced over the years:

"No!" - Well, this one is fairly self-explanatory. Also, see: "Mine!" (Incidentally, Bree has recently added this one to her repertoire.
"Uh oh. Here comes the scream. " - Also in relation to Bree, again, probably no explanation needed, especially if you happen to know Bree.
"Silly Doofus." - His pre-school teachers are going to love this one. Nick seems to think that it's a term of endearment and unfortunately, I have no one to blame other than myself for him using this phrase. I did try to pin it on Jason.

"I knew it!" - Usually said rather emphatically. Rarely used correctly.

"This is going to be so exciting for me!" -Also said emphatically. Used for just about everything, from going to see his cousins, to going to the grocery store, to getting to brush his teeth.
"You broke my little heart into a million pieces." -Used when a toy is taken away from him after he's snatched it from his sister. The reverse to this is "You made my heart so happy!" and is used when a toy is taken from his sister and returned to him.

"Ta da!" - Again, usually said rather emphatically and generally involves a very extravagant extension of the arms.

I'm sure there's plenty that I'm missing, but those are the ones that stick out in my mind. Feel free to share if you've heard some from him that I've forgotten or overlooked.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Family Fun

Last weekend was one of the few instances of Jason, the kids and I not escaping to the beach. Since we were home for the weekend, we invited the rest of the Tokarski family over for a barbeque. Unfortunately, we ran out of gas while cooking the burgers on the grill and the bugs were out in force, so we gave up on the great outdoors and spent the evening inside, gathered around the Wii. I put in our latest game, Wii Sports Resort, and the kids (including Uncle Aaron) took over the controls and a good time was had by all.

One word of warning, if Alex offers to let you catch a ride in a plane he's piloting, just say "No." Trust me.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rainy August Day

As the title suggests, it's raining. The plan was to pile into the Jeep and run some errends. The Jeep refusing to work kind of ended those plans. No worries, though, Poppop Tokarski will be over after lunch to work on the Jeep.

Since we have to stay home and going outside isn't an option, I've given the kids a pack of construction paper, a package of brand new markers and a Backyardigans marathon. As the kids have markers, they're strapped into their chairs, unable to escape and decorate the walls. Freelance work is all caught up and the bathrooms desperately need to be cleaned... oh please. Like anyone who knows me would think that I'd clean the bathrooms if I could find ANYTHING else to do...

The kids have recently discovered the joys of corn on the cob. Problem is that we didn't know they'd like corn on the cob, since they refuse to eat anything that might appear to be healthy and/or a vegetable. Because we didn't know this, I only gave Jason two ears of corn to cook for dinner one night. Apparently the corn was quite tasty. Jason and I wouldn't know...

Our niece Amanda recently celebrated her 8th birthday. Nick and Bree gleefully spent the evening with all of their cousins, and their cousin's toys.

It's been a fairly warm August, so Chaos and Mayhem have established a "hot summer day" routine: Get up, watch "Curious George", eat breakfast and then demand to go outside and "play."
Darn. Out of new pictures.

Sigh. Guess I'm cleaning that bathroom after all.



Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Anyone who has visited our home since the birth of my darling children knows that we refer to our decorating style as "what it looks like when Toys R Us throws up." With that in mind I've embarked on yet another attempt to tame the toys. When you're done laughing please continue to read. I'll wait.


At some point in the past, maybe for Christmas or a birthday, my wonderful, thoughtful, considerate parents purchased toyboxes for their grandchildren. I promptly shoved them into a corner of Nick's room and forgot about them until I was buried under a pile of Little People and Cars cars again. After I dug myself out, I then dug the toyboxes out of Nick's room and brought them into the living room. I then sorted carefully through the kids toys and separated them putting Bree's toys in one toybox and Nick's toys in the second toybox. Took me about and hour and a half. I then called to them and proudly explained to the kids that they each had a spot for their own toys.

My precious little cherubs examined my handiwork for a moment and then in 19 seconds flat had each emptied "their" toybox and placed what they thought belonged in each toybox.

Yeah, that's Nick in the top picture, if you look closely you can see his fingers. I guess I should be grateful that they haven't put either of the dogs into either toybox. Yet.

