Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Anyone who has visited our home since the birth of my darling children knows that we refer to our decorating style as "what it looks like when Toys R Us throws up." With that in mind I've embarked on yet another attempt to tame the toys. When you're done laughing please continue to read. I'll wait.


At some point in the past, maybe for Christmas or a birthday, my wonderful, thoughtful, considerate parents purchased toyboxes for their grandchildren. I promptly shoved them into a corner of Nick's room and forgot about them until I was buried under a pile of Little People and Cars cars again. After I dug myself out, I then dug the toyboxes out of Nick's room and brought them into the living room. I then sorted carefully through the kids toys and separated them putting Bree's toys in one toybox and Nick's toys in the second toybox. Took me about and hour and a half. I then called to them and proudly explained to the kids that they each had a spot for their own toys.

My precious little cherubs examined my handiwork for a moment and then in 19 seconds flat had each emptied "their" toybox and placed what they thought belonged in each toybox.

Yeah, that's Nick in the top picture, if you look closely you can see his fingers. I guess I should be grateful that they haven't put either of the dogs into either toybox. Yet.




  1. 19seconds?! They gave you inhalation time? No fair!! J/K but I am still trying to tame the Legos and video accesories and don't get me started on trading cards. Not to mention Allie and her girly stuff....
    That's what doors are for, to shut the mess away!

  2. I'm with Jenn. I moved all toys outof the living room and into Justin's closet. Doors are wonderful things!

    oh, and Jenn, I hear ya about the legos! UGH!
