Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Career Change

After careful thought and consideration, I have decided that it's time to embark on a new career. I've liked working in advertising and media but I've discovered something I love. I'm going to become a demolition derby driver. Anyone who has seen the condition of my Mazda would agree that I clearly have the driving skills required.

Jason only has his brother, Aaron, to thank for my new career path. For many years Aaron, his wife, Julie, and their various and sundry offspring go to the Cecil County Fair and attend the demolition derby. And for many years, they've asked us to join them. This year, we finally relented. Actually, I decided that Nick would go with Jason while I stayed home with Bree. The conversation went something like this:

ME: "So, you go with him."

Jason: "No, you go."

ME: "No, you go."

Jason: "No, you go."

After about 30 minutes of this, it was decided that perhaps Bree might enjoy the derby as well. Actual discussion: ME: (Literally throwing hands up in the air) "Fine! We'll all go."

And we had a blast. Nick spent the entire derby screaming, "This is SO awesome! I LOVE IT!" Bree was fine as long as she sat in someones lap and they didn't cheer too enthusiastically. Which meant she sat on Nana the whole time.

The only negative was once we were packed into the car to go home, Nick sadly looked at the little toy car that he had carefully selected to come with him to the derby and said, "I didn't get to drive."

I know, Nick. I feel the same way.



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