Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Membership = Rocketship?

In my neverending quest to find ways to entertain and occupy Chaos & Mayhem, I have become a big fan of the Delaware Children's Museum.


A bored child is a scary thing. A bored Chaos usually ends up with marker drawings on everything in sight, including herself and the dog. I'm not making that up. A bored Mayhem generally results in a trip to an emergency room. Okay, that's a slight exaggeration. We usually only end up at a minor medical emergency facility. Or they wedge a limb into one of their toys. Or wedge a toy up their nose. These are NOT exaggerations.

Anyway, based on a couple of trips to the DCM, I purchased a family membership. Nick was especially excited by this purchase and has been explaining what a
membership is to Bree. I happened to actually listen to one of these conversations. Somehow, in Nick's mind, a memberSHIP is the same thing as a rocketSHIP. I've since tried explaining that they are two different things and have not had much success convincing Nick that he does not actually have access to a rocketship. My first problem is trying to explain what a membership is to a four-year-old. My next problem is that Bree keeps packing for her trip on Nick's rocketship. I think I'll leave this one to Jason.


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