Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treat!

As most (all?) things go with Chaos & Mayhem, trick or treating wasn't
easy for us.  It wasn't dull, but it wasn't easy either.

The preschool that my little cherubs attend had a Halloween parade for the 4-year classes.  All of the kids get dressed in their costumes, parade through the Hall and then return to their class, remove their costumes and have a Halloween party.  Sounds simple, right?

Not for Nick.  He went, to quote my dear friend Cristin, "bat-shit crazy."  He was terrified of his friends in costumes, didn't want to stand up in front of a bunch of adults he didn't know and was having no parts of looking "silly" while wearing his costume in front of a bunch of people he didn't know.  In Nick's defense, for a variety of reasons, this is the first year we were actually able to "do" Halloween, so he had no experience with any of this.

That being said, I didn't force him into the costume and then parade around in it (mostly because I figure he'll need enough therapy later in life as it is already) but I did make him watch the parade and go to the party afterwards, as the other kids all removed their costumes for the party. 

Flash forward to Sunday afternoon:  Due to the "fun" that had been
Friday, we had decided to stay home.  I would hand out candy to the little beggers (my term for trick or treaters) with Nick and Jason would take Bree trick or treating.  Then the phone rang.  It was Uncle Aaron checking to see if Nick and Bree wanted to go trick or treating with their cousins.  If there are any people that can persuade Nick to do something, it's Alex, Abby, Amanda and Aidan.  Here's hoping the four of them don't decide to jump off of a bridge.

Wrap up:  Nick turned into a trick or treating pro.  Bree's little legs ran four steps for everyone else's one stride but I think she may have ended up with more candy that the others.

Nick obviously was Buzz Lightyear.  Bree was supposed to be Snow White, however due to the temperature, we ended up throwing together a pink princess costume as I'm pretty sure she would have ended up with frostbite instead of candy if we had sent her out in the Snow White costume.  Many thanks to Jenn Z., Kim Turner and Aunt Becky!  Portions of their birthday presents to Bree ended up as part of her Halloween costume.

Halloween ended with Bree meticulously sorting her candy by type and Nick plotting Christmas while perusing a toy catalog.


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