Friday, October 29, 2010

Belated Bree Birthday Bash Babblings

I was trying to see how many "B" words I could work in there.  Not my best attempt, but I still managed to amuse myself for a few moments.  But as usual, I digress...

My baby is three!  Being the loving mother that I am, I woke her up on her birthday, cuddled her gently, gave her a soft kiss and told her she was three-years-old now.  I then handed her the want-ads from the Sunday paper and suggested she look for her first job prior to selecting her new apartment as her income would indicate how big of a pad she could afford.  Oh, stop it.  Jason got me out of her room before I got all of her clothing packed.  Damn him.

Instead of cramming all of our loved ones into our more-than-slightly overcrowded home, we elected to throw a joint birthday party with our friend Jack (Happy Birthday little Dude!) at Nana's church this time around.  We had pumpkin decorating, cake, a LOT of presents and even a couple of jugglers, The Juggling Hoffman's.  I'm pretty convinced that the male half of the Hoffman's was a bartender at one of the establishments that I used to frequent in college.  Based on my typical state of mind (and inebriation) during college, while on Main Street in Newark, it's highly probable that my memory may be a bit flawed and this guy has never been in a bar in his life.  Regardless of any questions regarding his previous employment, he and his Mrs. treated us all to a really good show.  I think everyone enjoyed themselves, especially my mother, Jason's mother and my Aunt Liz, who spent the show making jokes amoungst themselves that I understand were really not at all appropriate for a three-year-old's birthday party.  I think you all know where I get that mentality from now, don't you?

Thank you to all who helped us celebrate Bree and her birthday!

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