Thursday, June 23, 2011

Can't Make this $#!+ up....

Yeah, I'm slacking on blog entries.  I know.  I know.  In my defense, somehow neither child failed pre-school.  Which means neither child required summer school of some sort.  Which means I actually have to take care of them all day.  Every day.  And it's friggin' exhausting!  And strangely enough, neither child wants to veg out in front of the TV watching a "Real Housewives of New Jersey" marathon with me.  I KNOW!  What the hell?!?!?

However, in my eternal pursuit of trying to entertain my lil' cherubs, I encourage them to use their imaginations.  When I say that to them, it usually sounds something like; "For the love of all that is unholy, please go find something to do that doesn't involve screaming at each other or me!"

So... this is what they found:

Yup. That's them.  Wearing metal popcorn tins on their noggins.  The good news is that the tins were empty when Chaos & Mayhem decided to slap them on their heads.  And yes, they were doing their best impressions of two angry, hormonally imbalance male deer and were indeed trying to bash each other using their metal-popcorn-tin-covered skulls as weapons.

Y'all thought I was making this up on Facebook, didn't you?


Oh stop it.  I made them cease and desist after a while.  Actually, Jason made them stop when he caught me telling them "Come on... let's make it a "best out of five"... winner gets a popsicle!"

Gonna be a long summer.


  1. A blog entry?! You are blowing my mind! ;) I love your kids! they are so fun.

  2. They are too funny!
    You're a better mother than me, I would have given them broom/mop handles and told them to joust...they are already wearing protective head gear.
