Thursday, November 10, 2011

Annual October Odyssey

October is a strange month for me.  It marks the beginning of my favorite season of the year autumn.  I realize that the autumnal equinox falls at the end of September, but that month always seems like summer’s last gasp to me. Not truly autumn yet.  No, October is autumn.
October marks the timeframe of a few of my most enduring blessings; the births of my beautiful Bree and my Michael, and the years-worth of candy I send my kids out to beg for each Halloween.  But October also brings some of my deepest sorrows.  I miss you, Dad.  Every day.  Every moment.  And you, too, Aunt Jules.  My world seems a little… less… with you both gone.

I suspect it’s how much I miss them that causes me to fill each October to the brim.  Unfortunately, Jason, the kids and the rest of you tend to get sucked in and dragged along on the mad dash I make out of each and every one of the thirty-one days.

This October brought me and mine no less than FOUR birthday parties for Bree (thank you to all who attended the various festivities), a trip on the Wilmington & Western Railroad, my goofy entry into the world of competitive baking (my chocolate peanut-butter balls rock!  ‘Nuff said,) a couple of Halloween parties, a Halloween parade, a Walk-a-thon and probably a dozen more things that I’ve forgotten.  And my second attempt at putting a slideshow on this blog.  Only took me two weeks.  And I "lost" the captions for the photos in the slideshow.  Which is a shame.  'Cuz the captions are funny.  At least to me.  And really, that's what matters.


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